Emotion Awareness Day in Schools and Pre Schools:

Schools and preschools are some of the most important arenas to talk about emotions. Thank you for your valuable contributions and the great work you are doing helping children strengthening their emotional muscle and gaining more knowledge about their most important information- and motivation system. 

Keep in mind that some of these ideas may not be suited for certain age groups or individuals. Look through the videos before showing them in your class.

Here are som ideas you can use at your school or pre school:

Show "Alfred & Shadow - a short story about emotions" and follow up with questions and discussions

Name as many feelings as you can!

What do we need when we feel?

Why do we have feelings?

What do we need when we feel guilty because we did something bad?

What do we need when we feel sad because we lost something

What do we need when we feel angry because someone was unfair, stopped us from doing something important or took something that belonged to us?

What do we need when we feel shame because we were suddenly stopped, criticized or interrupted while we were doing something that we felt very good about?

Show "Alfred & Shadow - a short story about self critism" and follow up with questions and discussions

Why do we feel shame and guilt?

What does your inner critic/Shadow say when it is being mean and unhelpful?

What does your inner critic/Shadow say when it is being supportive?

What do we need when we feel boring, stupid, ugly or mean?

Show "Alfred & Shadow - a short story about loneliness" and follow up with questions and discussions

What do we need when we lonely?

When do you feel lonely?

What is helpful loneliness?

How can someone be lonely in the presence of others?

Drawing exercise:

Ask the kids to make a drawing of their feelings – then talk about the drawings.

Feelings shape our body exercise:

Ask the kids to form their bodies into different positions showcasing different feelings, one feeling at a time: How does your body and face look like when you are angry? Show me. When the kids are in a position, ask them; What is going on inside your body? (tummy, face, chest, arms, legs) Then do the same with sad, curious, disgusted, scared, shameful and happy.

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